
Saturday 29 October 2011

What should be prepared before work to Australia?

Australia is currently much in need of manpower in various fields,specifically for mechanic, Australia needs about a thousand more mechanics. before you look for companies that will hire you, you should first and foremost is to prepare for the IELTS (International English Language testing System)certificate. This certificate is not requested by the company, but this is the main requirement of the Department of Immigration Australia. I have experience of applying for work to Australia, I've been in received by one company in there, because my IELTS score is less, then I can not go there, it was hurtful. and letter of sponsorship is generally valid for 2 months. IELTS minimum value for the field of engineering is 6. within 2 months is very difficult to obtain an IELTS certificate, let alone with a minimum value of 6.

so you should look for an IELTS certificate before applying for work to Australia.

For more about IELTS test, visit
If you have TOEFL/TOEIC certificate, see how much your score in IELTS with convertion table, visit

For IELTS test center in Malang and Surabaya visit

For how to get Australia work visa visit
Okay job seekers, Good Luck


  1. weeeeeeeeeeehhhh,you are the great man brother, i wanna grew like's you..
    and beating you, if I can :D

    good luck sam, sampen jan joss ;)

  2. IELTS ambek TOEFL podo, IELTS lebih sulit,
    kalau IELTS di pakai di negara2 berafiliasi ke Inggris eg: Inggris, Australia, New Zealand etc
    kalau TOEFL di pakai di negara2 yg dekat dg Amerika eg: Amerika, canada, etc.

  3. IELTS=British
    ngono a sam?
    grammar melu british brrti seng IELTS?

  4. @akwella: enggak, simple nya ya ini urusan mereka, mereka mau punya sistem test sendiri sendiri. kalau IELTS lebih sulit nya karena di situ mencakup logat English british, amerika, australia dan 1 lagi aku lupa. seperti listening test nya itu ada suara 4 orang sedang diskusi yang 4 orang ini logat bahasa inggrisnya masing2 berbeda, nah di situlah letak kelebihan IELTS.

  5. bos gak ono lowongan mbabu a?

  6. @ Tani Mleni : iki ableh a??

  7. just 6?
    oooh c'mooon. australian kids can do that easily.
